Who we are

EPRUMA partners include European organisations representing:

  • veterinarians;
  • farmers and agri-cooperatives;
  • manufacturers of animal medicines and diagnostics;
  • feed manufacturers;
  • professionals working in animal health, sanitary security and sustainable agriculture;

EPRUMA’s decision-making body – the Core Group – comprises representatives from our full partner organisations.

Our chair: Cat McLaughlin, representing Copa Cogeca, is the new Chair of EPRUMA since October 2022.
Cat is Chief Adviser (Animal Health and Welfare) with the NFU and director of AMTRA (Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority). She is currently also serving as Chair of the UK Responsible Use platform – RUMA, and Chair of the RUMA Targets Task Force. A graduate of the University of Aberdeen (Agriculture, with Honours in Animal Science) she also holds a PG Diploma in Farm Business Organisational Management from the SRUC (formally known as the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)), Aberdeen.
