A few facts and figures on animal medicines use in Europe

Sales of animal health products in Europe by product category

Source: CEESA

Decrease in animal antibiotic use across Europe

Europe 43% decrease on average, 2011–2022

Source: European Medicines Agency, https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/2011-2020-more-40-decrease-sales-antimicrobials-use-animals

More than 50% decreases of antimicrobial sales in major livestock-producing countries across Europe

Poland 55% decrease 2011–2022
Italy 57.5% decrease 2011-2022
UK 59% decrease 2014–2022
Spain 62% decrease 2011–2022
France 66% decrease 2011–2020
Germany 67% decrease 2011–2022
Netherlands 67.5% decrease 2011–2022

Sources: ESVAC Belgium trends report, ESVAC Poland trends report UK Veterinary Medicines Directorate, ESVAC Italy trends report, ESVAC France trends report, ESVAC Germany trends report, ESVAC Netherlands trends report, ESVAC Spain trends report

Decrease in use of EMA priority veterinary antimicrobial classes* since 2011

89.7% decrease in Quinolones (excl. (excl. fluoroquinolones)
49% decrease 3rd & 4th generation cephalosporins
24.7% decrease Fluoroquinolones

*AMEG category B: EMA/AMEG 2019, Categorisation of antibiotics in the European Union

Sales of antimicrobial active substances by antimicrobial class as percentages of the total sales

Sales of antimicrobial active substances by antimicrobial class as percentages of the total sales

Classed as medically important by Antimicrobial Advice Ad Hoc Expert Group (AMEG) and adopted by both EMA’s veterinary medicines committee (CVMP) and human medicines committee (CHMP)

Source: European Medicines Agency