Greater focus on prevention can improve animal health and reduce the need to use antibiotics
Brussels, 18 November 2024; As EPRUMA prepares to celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2025, the platform’s partners reiterate the need for Europe to invest more in disease prevention and improved animal health.
It is important when we talk about taking a ‘One Health’ approach to addressing antimicrobial resistance, that we get it straight in our minds what that means. One Health is about recognising that responsible use of antibiotics is of equal importance in both humans and animals. It is not about ‘zero use’ of medicines and antibiotics. It is about reducing our need for them in the first place by taking measures to reduce disease occurrence, while acknowledging that, if we do have to use antibiotics, we use them in the right way, at the right moment, in the right dosage and adhering to the prescription and veterinary instructions.
Taking a One Health perspective in our awareness-raising efforts means that we also promote the responsible use of vaccines, parasite control, and indeed all the other solutions available for ensuring optimal animal health and welfare such as breeding animals for disease resistance, providing adequate nutrition and husbandry, adopting innovative feeding strategies, and using robust biosecurity measures. Use of medicines in animals should be supported by a comprehensive and holistic planning, whether that’s ensuring regular vet check-ups for companion animals or establishing a farm management plan with veterinary visits and support from other agricultural advisers.
Calling for the implementation of a true One Health approach, including using antibiotics as little as possible, but as much as necessary, will continue to be EPRUMA’s guiding principle. It is clear that continued investment in disease prevention and continued responsible use of medicines in animals can deliver to benefit the health of Europe’s animals, its people and our environment.