EPRUMA Celebrates 20 Years of Promoting Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals and Publishes New Commitments
Brussels, 4 March 2025: Co-hosted by MEPs Vytenis Andriukaitis and Paulo do Nascimento Cabral, together with The Parliament, EPRUMA organised a policy spotlight event to mark its 20 years of work in promoting the responsible use of antibiotics in the animal sector and protecting our shared One Health.
Co-host MEP Vytenis Andriukaitis opened the event saying:
“We are all One Health practitioners. Those working in human health, animal health and environmental health all need to understand that if we work together with a ‘Promotion, Prevention, Protection and Participation’ approach, we can overcome silos and extend our cooperation to address the health challenges that will ultimately affect us all.”And co-host MEP Paulo do Nascimento Cabral added:
“The responsible use of medicines, coupled with robust preventive measures such as vaccination, is vital for sustainable animal health. Prioritising immunisation, advisory programmes, research, and improved farm infrastructure reduces disease incidence and minimises reliance on antibiotic use. Additionally, cross-border cooperation is crucial in mitigating widespread health threats, ensuring a coordinated and resilient approach to animal and public health.”
The MEPs shared their views on how to further advance the One Health approach alongside a panel with veterinarian Miguel Angel Higuera, EPRUMA chair Cat McLaughlin, and DG SANTE’s Bernard Van Goethem. The panellists discussed successes in the animal sector in raising awareness and ensuring a reduced need to use antibiotics, and how to move forward by sharing and integrating best practices in all fields of health to increase disease prevention efforts.
EPRUMA chair Cat McLaughlin spoke to the long-standing commitment of the platform:
“The European farming, veterinary and animal medicines associations had the foresight back in 2005 to come together and develop best practice guidelines for the responsible use of antibiotics in animal health in line with the then soon-to-be-published EU Animal Health Strategy “Prevention is better than cure”.
EPRUMA has evolved over the years to incorporate feed, animal breeder, sanitary security, and diagnostics associations. And our work has evolved too, as we have produced best practice frameworks also for vaccines, anthelmintics, and pet parasite control products use, as well as informative materials for responsible disposal of medicines. These activities feed into our One Health approach and underscore our further commitment to:
- promote a One Health approach to veterinary medicines use;
- promote good animal health and welfare;
- facilitate coordination and exchange of information on best practices;
- engage and communicate with the EU institutions and relevant agencies;
- support transparency on the use of veterinary medicines; and
- share knowledge via awareness campaigns on responsible use and disposal.”
EPRUMA published a new Commitment paper: Protecting our shared One Health through the responsible use of veterinary medicines during the event, which can downloaded from our website: www.epruma.eu.
Contact: EPRUMA secretariat – info@epruma.eu
Notes for editors:
EPRUMA is a multi-stakeholder platform linking best practice with animal health and public health. It aims to ensure best practice through responsible use of medicines in the prevention and control of animal diseases.
EPRUMA partners:
- Access Vet Med: European Group for Generic Veterinary Products
- AnimalhealthEurope: The voice of the animal medicines industry
- COPA-COGECA: European Farmers and Agri-Cooperatives
- Diagnostics for Animals
- EFFAB: Animal breeding and reproduction association
- FECAVA: Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations
- FEFAC: European Feed Manufacturers Federation
- FESASS: European Federation for Animal Health and Sanitary Security
- FVE: Federation of Veterinarians of Europe
Associate partners (National Responsible Use platforms):
- AMCRA: Centre for Expertise on Antimicrobial Consumption and Resistance in Animals (Belgium)
- RUMA: Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (United Kingdom)
- RUMA Companion Animal and Equine (United Kingdom)
- SDa: Veterinary Medicines Institute (The Netherlands)
- VETRESPONSABLE: Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals (Spain)
For further information visit, www.epruma.eu