RUMA Online Conference
The Responsible use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (RUMA), will be hosting its annual conference ‘The responsible use of veterinary medicines – UK and International perspectives’ online on Thursday 18th November, 2021. Tickets are now available to purchase
RUMA has released the full programme of sessions and speakers.
The morning programme is devoted to domestic issues and will focus on the positive story of responsible use of medicines in UK farming and companion animal sectors, which see high standards of food safety, animal health and welfare. The morning will conclude with a look ahead to the UK animal medicines legislation.
The afternoon programme looks at the international context for the responsible use of medicines, concluding with a look at how the efforts of UK farmers to develop high standards of food safety, animal health and welfare, create an expectation as the UK develops new international trade relationships.
RUMA Secretary General, Chris Lloyd, says: “We are delighted to share details of our first ever online conference which has a packed programme covering a wide range of UK and international topics relating to the responsible use of veterinary medicines.
“Hosting the conference online this year means we are able to encourage virtual attendance across both UK and international audiences, which will enable us to reach and engage with even more people to not only share the journey of responsible use so far, but to also drive support and understanding for the journey ahead.”