External event: Workshop on Veterinary Medicines: improving the availability of antimicrobials and their alternatives
A Working Group to promote the availability of veterinary medicinal products containing antimicrobials and alternatives to their use is currently working, as part of National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (PRAN) in Spain, with the aim of mitigating the existing therapeutic gaps and lack of alternatives present in veterinary medicine, particularly in those species considered as minor.
The initiative will be presented in the Workshop on Veterinary Medicines: improving the availability of AMs and their alternatives. The event will also highlight the tools already available in the Regulation to facilitate the marketing authorisation of new veterinary medicinal products or introduce variations in the authorisation of those already registered for other indications and/or species. A prioritisation of antimicrobials and alternatives by species and sectors will be also available.
Date: 9th March 2023 at 10:30 CET
Venue: Fundación Ramón Areces, 5, Vitruvio Street, 28006 Madrid.
*The event will have a hybrid format. In-person and virtual attendance will be available.