EPRUMA/Slovak Presidency workshop on 'Creating a common understanding on the responsible use of veterinary medicines'


Brussels, 13 October 2016 – EPRUMA and the Slovak Presidency of the EU held a workshop today to create a common understanding on the responsible use of veterinary medicines in the EU. The event highlighted the need to increase the exchange of information and dialogue on best practices between public authorities and the private sector across the EU.

More than 100 delegates from the EU institutions, national authorities and professional organisations participated in the workshop, which focused on the EU’s antibiotic policy and on national approaches to responsible use. The programme showcased concrete examples on how public authorities and stakeholders in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom are implementing best practices on the use of veterinary medicines, including antibiotics.

During the event, EPRUMA partners signed a declaration emphasising their commitment to pursuing common objectives for the coming years. These include promoting animal health and welfare through the responsible use of veterinary medicines; facilitating coordination and exchange of information on best practices; and encouraging greater cooperation between national governments and stakeholders.

Rens van Dobbenburgh, EPRUMA Chair, said ‘Today’s event sheds light on the need for a sustained commitment by all animal health actors. This is why signing this declaration is not only the consolidation of over 10 years working in partnership, but also the basis for delivering a holistic approach towards the responsible use of veterinary medicines in the EU in the future.’

Jozef Bires, Slovak Chief Veterinary Officer, stated ‘The Slovak Presidency highlights the need for the responsible use of antibiotics in all stages of the food chain, and biosecurity measures to promote animal health. In this context, the use of other effective tools such as animal welfare, animal nutrition, vaccination and surveillance programmes in the holdings and farms within the EU is necessary.  We should not forget that a very important part of our responsibility relates to education and public awareness activities, especially focused on veterinarians, breeders and farmers. Research must be focused on developing new active and effective substances, and on new medicines with an antimicrobial effect, as well as new technological development related to  such veterinary medicinal products